Friday 24 June 2011

Telephone counselling

Wow its been a while that I have written a blog. So much has happened over the past few months. I had an opportunity to work on a EAP telephone helpline... I have counselled clients on the b4 but it was only a very small part of my work.

Its been a great experience and I am still learning so much every day! it fantastic. Its been a up hill struggle and a steep learning curve.

I have found that my confidence has now grown to a point of feeling comfortable when the phone rings. Its always tough dealing with a suicidal caller and I have had a few now... its just different to the 9 years of F2F I have done.

Business is growing just by word of mouth and the counselling directory. A great database of counsellors.

In my next blog I am going to talk about Counselling supervision.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Business is growing

I'm glad to say that being fully self employed is working well for me. Had a few new clients start which is always a great thing. Even in this economic down turn.

I wonder what the future hold for me? Everything ticking along nicely now.... I have started to ask myself a big question.... Will I be a counsellor for the rest of my life? At this point of writing I would say no. I think there are other areas of life that I can take my skills and experience. That may well be into a business area and work for someone again.

I also have plans to stop working altogether by the time I am 50. I hope to have build my business up to a point where I just manage it and someone else does the work. Don't want to be listening to people's problems for ever. I want to be able to get the counselling work and then contract it out. Cant see why that wouldn't work. That's the plan anyway.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Business moving forward

Well things are moving on and the risk off resigning from my PAYE counselling job is paying off.

I am now a self employed....Counsellor. Its amazing to see what can happen when I am given the power and control over my future.

I guess its like being in a bad relationship with my last job, going in to work, it was easy I don't have to work to hard, its convenient and to be honest it was a bit boring! I have been in relationships like that before.

So now with a fresh start and with me having control over my future and my business will only grow by as much as I put in to it.

I have produced new business cards, leaflets and a brand new web site (it should be up and running in the next 24 hours) which was produced by little fish design who have done an amazing job.

I have had meetings with 2 organizations and I am going to be doing work for both of them on a self employed bases, so thats a great start. I need to write to the local EAP's to get more work.

I move to my new house on Friday with its own separate office which I will be working from so really looking forward to the future!

I have my enthusiasm back! so bring it on!

Thursday 4 November 2010

Another interview completed

I had a meeting with an EAP today to work for them as self employed. They seemed to have a great team and seem really well organised offering support on the front line. By this I mean taking calls and referral to external agencies for further support.

My job would be to take calls and offer emotional support if needed and to asses the risk of that client.

There is no expectations of me to see loads of calls, I would just deal with one call and follow it right through including admin to completion. There is a busy button on the phone that you can push which allows you to take a break between calls if you need one.

There are people available to support me if I take a difficult call and they wouldn't expect me to take another until I am ready. They offer training to 4 times a year. All sounds great.

The interview was really easy for me after 9 years of experience of counselling and it all felt very comfortable.

If I get invited to a second interview there is a role play on the phone to do, that will be I have done telephone work before but not for an EAP.

so lets see what happen next!